Jan 21, 2025  
Butler Community College 2020-21 Catalog 
Butler Community College 2020-21 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Notification of Changes

(This Addendum is an integral part of the College’s Catalog. The contents of this catalog addendum are provided as an update and in addition to the content specified in the 2020-21 catalog. At time of publication, every effort is made to ensure all information is as accurate as deemed possible. Information below reflects catalog changes made following initial publication date of 3/18/20.)

Enrollment and Academic Information
  - Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy  - Update 8/20/20

Any Physical Activity Course Listing

New Course(s)
AE 070-0  Building Pathways Skillbuilding (Non-credit)
AE 080-0  Construction Pathways Skillbuilding (Non-credit)

Description, title, prerequisite changes effective FA20: 
AR100  Art Appreciation, AR121  Two-Dimensional Design, AR122 Three-Dimensional Design,
AR141  Drawing 1, AR142  Drawing 2, AR161  Ceramics 1, AR241  Life Drawing, AR251  Painting 1,
AR252  Painting 2, AR262  Ceramics 2, AR270 -273 Art Projects 1-4

Programs of Study
Accounting (AS) - Update 4/27/20 
  - Second Term electives: Revised BA course options in elective blocks
Agribusiness (AS) - Update 06/11/20  
  - Fourth Term: Added BI215 as elective option
Agriculture (AS) - Update 6/24/20   
  - Third Term: Replaced BI110 with PS100 as requirement.
  - Third Term: Moved social science block to Fourth Term, added BI110 and BI215 as electives in Fourth Term - Update 6/11/20
Business Administration (AS) - Update 4/27/20  
  - Second Term electives: Revised BA course options in elective blocks
Business Medical Specialist (AAS) - Update 7/30/20  
  - Second Term: BA245 replaces BE125 as a requirement.
  - Third Term: BA245 and BE275 removed as electives.
  - Fourth Term: BA245, BE175, and BE176 removed as electives.
Farm and Ranch Management (AAS) - Update 4/22/20   
  - Third Term: Moved AG108 from elective to requirement
Livestock Management and Merchandising (AAS) - Update 4/22/20  
  - Third Term: Moved AG108 from elective to requirement
Marketing (AS) - Update 5/8/20  
  - Second Term: Increased Transfer Gen Eds to 3 hours and added BA course options to elective block
Physician Coding (AAS) - Update 5/12/20  
  - Third Term: Moved BS160 to fourth term requirement, added elective block
  - Fourth Term: Updated elective block
  - Fourth Term electives: Added BE116 and BE116 as options - Update 4/9/20
Workforce Division: Electrical (AAS) - Update 12/11/20  
  -  Added BA109 as requirement, program information updated
Workforce Division: Plumber and Pipefitter (AAS) - Update 12/11/20  
  - Program information updated
Workforce Division: Workforce Development (AAS) - Update 12/11/20   
  - Program information updated
Workforce Division: Sheet Metal - Update 6/22/20
  - Sheet Metal program is no longer being offered
Data Analytics Certificate  - Added 4/30/20
Microsoft Office Certification  - Added 4/30/20


ED206-New course description Effective Spring 2021
ED 206. Introduction to Teaching. 3 hours credit. This course will enable the student to gain insight into the teaching profession through hands-on exploration of current theories in pedagogy. The student will gather, assemble, review, and analyze information for choosing career options in the teaching field. The student will organize leadership tasks, develop the necessary skills to continue preparation for teaching, and develop a professional approach to the teaching profession. The student will participate in a 15-hour classroom field experience (5 hours each in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms). The learning outcomes and competencies detailed in this outline meet or exceed the learning outcomes and competencies specified by the Kansas Core Outcomes Project for this course, as approved by the Kansas Board of Regents (Transfers as EDU 1010).
Through Fall 2020
This course will enable the student to gain valuable insight into the teaching profession through hands-on exploration of current theories in pedagogy. The student will gather, assemble, review, and analyze information for choosing career options in the teaching field. The student will organize leadership tasks, develop the necessary skills to continue preparation for teaching, and develop a professional approach to the teaching profession. The student will participate in a 30-hour classroom field experience (10 hours each in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms).
ED207-New course description Effective Spring 2021
ED 207. Field Experience in the Teaching Profession. 1 hour credit. Prerequisite: ED204 with a C or better. This course will provide the student with an overview of the teaching profession through hands-on exploration of pedagogical practices. The student will participate in 15 hours of K-12 classroom field experience, with 5 hours at each of the three levels—elementary, middle, and high school. The student will develop a professional approach toward the teaching profession through practical application and reflection of classroom experiences. The learning outcomes and competencies detailed in this outline meet or exceed the learning outcomes and competencies specified by the Kansas Core Outcomes Project for this course, as approved by the Kansas Board of Regents (Transfers as EDU1010).
Through Fall 2020
ED 207. Field Experience in the Teaching Profession. 1 credit hour. Prerequisite: ED204 with a C or better. This course will provide the student with an overview of the teaching profession through hands-on exploration of pedagogical practices. The student will participate in 30 hours of K-12 classroom field experience, with 10 hours at each of the three levels—elementary, middle, and high school. The student will develop a professional approach toward the teaching profession through practical application and reflection of classroom experiences. The learning outcomes and competencies detailed in this outline meet or exceed the learning outcomes and competencies specified by the Kansas Core Outcomes Project for this course, as approved by the Kansas Board of Regents (Transfers as EDU1010).
ED220-New course description Effective Spring 2021
ED 220. Introduction to Special Education. 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: ED 206 with a C or better or concurrent enrollment in ED 206. This course will enable the student to assess and determine diversity among learners with various special needs. The student will ascertain the need for teachers to collaborate with other professionals and families to develop appropriate individual learning plans for special needs students in the classroom. The student will explore public laws and mandates that pertain to special education, assuring appropriate and optimal education for all special learners. The student will participate in 5 hours of field experience in either a general education classroom with special needs students or in a special education classroom setting.
Through Fall 2020
ED 220. Introduction to Special Education. 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: ED 206 with a C or better or concurrent enrollment in ED 206. This course will enable the student to assess and determine diversity among learners with various special needs. The student will understand the need for teachers to collaborate with other professionals and families to develop appropriate individual learning plans for special needs students in the classroom. The student will explore public laws and mandates that pertain to special education, assuring appropriate and optimal education for all special needs learners. The student will participate in 10 hours of field experience in either a general education classroom with special needs students or in a special education classroom setting.
ED222-New course description Effective 2021
ED 222. Technology in the Classroom. 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: ED 206 with a C or better. This course will enable the student to explore current theories and issues of computer pedagogy. The student will directly apply course content to a K-12 classroom field experience. The student will model appropriate pedagogical practice to plan, develop, review, facilitate, and analyze a comprehensive lesson that requires elementary or secondary students to use technology for engaged content-learning.
Through Fall 2020
ED 222. Technology in the Classroom. 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: ED 206 with a C or better. This course will enable the student to facilitate learning with technology for elementary and secondary students. The student will explore current theories and issues of computer pedagogy by participating in a 5-hour technology field experience in a K-12 classroom. The student will model appropriate pedagogical practice to plan, develop, review, facilitate, and analyze a comprehensive lesson that requires elementary or secondary students to use technology for engaged content-learning.

Programs of Study
Criminal Justice (AA) - Update 4/30/20  - Update 4/30/20
  - Second Term: CJ118 was replaced by CJ211 as a requirement.
Early Childhood Education (AAS) - Update 04/27/20  
  - First Term requirements: CD115 was removed, term hours reduced to 15, Total Pathway hours are now 61
Elementary Education (AS) - Update 4/16/20  
  - First Term requirements: Added ED204 and ED207 as options
Elementary Education/BEST (AS) - Update 4/16/20 
  - First Term requirements: Added ED204 and ED207 as options 
Secondary Education (AA) - Update 6/12/20  
  -  Second Term: Added BI215 as elective option
Secondary Education (AA) - Update 4/16/20 
  - First Term requirements: Added ED204 and ED207 as options
Secondary Education (AS) - Update 6/12/20  
  -Second Term: Added BI215 as elective option
Unified Teaching (AS) - Update 4/16/20  
  - First Term requirements: Added ED204 and ED207 as options

Programs of Study

Art (AA) - Update 8/31/20  
  - Fourth Term: Added IP and PD course electives.
Music Education (AA) - Update 4/15/20  
  - Second Term requirements: Added ED204 and ED207 as options


All FW Varsity courses have been updated to reflect a credit hour change that was inadvertently missed.
Effective Fall 2020, these 2 credit hour courses were updated to 1 credit hour. Update 03/02/21.
Programs of Study
Pre-Nursing/Health Sciences (AS) - Update 4/15/20  
  - First Term requirements: Added CH110 as an option.
Pre-Physical Therapy (AS) - Update 6/12/20  
  - First Term requirements: Added BI215 as an option.
Nursing (AAS) - Update 8/4/20 
  - Update made to contact information
  - Update to Additional Cost language

Programs of Study

Foreign Language (AA) - Update 8/31/20  
  - Third Term: Added IP and PD course electives.
Psychology (AA) - Update 8/31/20  
  - Fourth Term: Added IP and PD course electives.
Psychology (AS) - Update 8/31/20  
  - Third Term: Added IP and PD course electives.
Sociology and Social Work (AA) - Update 9/28/20  
  - Third Term: Moved BS260 requirement to 4th term requirement, Fourth Term: Combined LT and IP blocks, Total pathway hours reduced to 60-64
Sociology and Social Work (AA) - Update 8/31/20 
  - Fourth Term: Added IP and PD course electives.

Programs of Study

Biology (AS) - Update 9/15/20  
  - Fourth Term: Added PD and IP course electives.
Food Science Business (AS) - Update 6/11/20  
  - Third Term: Added BI215 as elective option
Food Science Technology (AS) - Update 6/11/20  
  - Third Term: Added BI215 as elective option
Pre-Computer Science (AS) - Update 7/29/20  - Update 7/29/20
  - Pathway was revised to better align with transferability.
Pre-Engineering (AS) - Update 5/12/20  
  - Fourth Term: Removed EN260 and MA260 as requirements, removed Humanities and Social Science block, Related Electives increased to 6 hours
Pre-Medicine (AS) - Update 9/15/20  
  - Fourth Term: Added IP and PD course electives
Pre-Pharmacy (AS) - Update 6/11/20  
  - Third Term: BI226 and BI232 moved up from Fourth Term, BI227 and BI262 moved to Fourth Term, added BS106 and SC120 to Fourth Term requirements
Pre-Veterinary (AS) - Update 6/11/20  
  - Second Term: Added BI215 as a requirement option.   

BE 196 - MOS Test Preparation and Certification. Prerequisites removed, course description updated.
EN 101  - Engineering Graphics 1 - Prerequisite update.
IN211, IN228, and IN282 were updated to SD subject codes. 
Programs of Study 
Construction Technology (AAS)   - New Fall 2021
Engineering Technology (AAS) - Update 7/10/20  
  - The following CN courses were added as electives: CN101, CN102, CN103, CN104, and CN105
Software Development (AAS) - Update 9/16/20  
  - First Term and Third Term: IN105 replaced with ID129, IN185 replaced with ID130-subject code change only, courses are equivalent
Software Development (AAS) - Update 5/27/20 - Updated 5/27/20
  - Third Term: Added SD201 as required option with IN185.
Welding Technology (AAS) - Update 8/31/20  
  - Fourth Term: Added IP and PD course electives.
Welding Technology (Certificate A)  - New certificate added 6/24/20