Mar 14, 2025  
Butler Community College 2025-26 Catalog 
Butler Community College 2025-26 Catalog

Enrollment & Academic Information

Learning Calendar

Butler Community College operates on a semester schedule which typically consists of two regular academic semesters of 16 weeks of instruction. Many additional scheduling options are available including, but not limited to, 4-week, 5-week, 6-week, 8-week, and 12-week options. Intersessions are scheduled prior to the beginning of Fall and Spring semesters. The unit of credit is the semester hour. To graduate in four semesters, a student should plan to complete at least 15 to 16 hours of college-level credit each semester.

Career Services

Butler is committed to helping students find their career path through assessment, employment, internships and job shadowing.  The Career Services Center can assist in navigating and preparing individuals for the workforce through résumé building, researching labor market information, and field-of-study guidance.


GrizzlySAFE is Butler’s automated emergency notification system. This system provides a method for the College to notify all faculty, staff, and student of campus emergencies. It is also the system that provides the ability for students, faculty and staff to report emergencies to the Butler Department of Public Safety. All Butler students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to download the GrizzlySAFE app on their iPhone or Android device.

Butler will not close unless extreme weather conditions prevail that affect the safety of students and employees traveling to and from campus locations. In the event the College remains open, students and staff are encouraged to consider their own safety when making travel decisions. Faculty and supervisors are asked to be understanding when people are absent because of weather-related circumstances. When classes are cancelled, in addition to notification through GrizzlySAFE, the media will be notified at the earliest time possible. This will include local and metro news outlets. Information will be posted on the Butler website.

Enrollment Check List

  • Do you have current information on file? Be sure to verify address, phone numbers, and other pertinent information each semester via or with an advisor.
  • Do you have an Educational Plan? Visit with an academic advisor for assistance in developing a plan for success.
  • Placement Test Requirement. Before enrolling in courses, degree seeking students and those enrolling in math or English courses must complete one of the items below:
  • Submit ACT/SAT scores (test must have been taken within the last 3 years),
  • Complete a Butler placement test, or
  • Provide a college transcript showing completion of the course prerequisites for the courses you plan to enroll

The scores from the tests are used to advise students about placement in courses in which they can be most successful. Students should make arrangements to take the tests by contacting the Advising Center at any Butler location.

Students are required to take the courses and/or courses based on the scores received from the placement tests. Any exception must go through the Dean of the academic area in question. Students who have taken the ACT or who have previous college course work should bring those records with them for advising and enrollment.

  • Courses with prerequisites will be strictly monitored. Courses taken at other institutions to fulfill these requirements need to be submitted to the Registrar via an official transcript prior to enrolling. In limited situations, advisors may (with appropriate documentation) temporarily override prerequisites.
  • Do you plan to enroll online? First time students at Butler must meet with an advisor in person or Zoom before enrolling online. Other students wishing to enroll online must complete an enrollment update/release to enroll form each semester before enrolling in classes. Students may choose to meet with an advisor in person each semester to develop or check on their Education Plan before using online enrollment.

    Remember: If registering online, you as a student, take responsibility for the implementation and fulfillment of your Educational Plan. Advisors are available to assist you in meeting your educational goals and aspirations.
  • Can I enroll at any location? If you choose to enroll in person rather than online, you can enroll at any location with the exception of McConnell. Due to military regulations, international students and other non U.S. citizens are not allowed to take courses at McConnell Air Force Base. The Air Force also requires a background check prior to the start date of classes. Non-military U.S. citizens, i.e. civilians, are eligible to take classes on base.
  • I am receiving funds from a third party payer. Students receiving financial assistance from a third party payer must submit written authorization from the third party to Accounts Receivable.
  • What if I need to simultaneously drop and add? Students who withdraw from a course after the refund period and add another course will not receive a refund for the dropped course and will be required to pay for the added class at the time of enrollment. Adds, drops and withdrawals are not accepted via phone or email.

College Orientation

College Orientation Requirement

All first-time, full-time students are required to enroll in Orientation, OR 102-0 . To successfully complete this online course, students must attend for the entire duration of the class. For more information, contact the Director, Sherri Conard of First Year Experience at 316.323.6373.

College Credit Hours

The college credit hour is the standard measure of advancement toward academic goals, certificates, and degrees. Students earn credit hours by meeting course requirements at identified levels in defined time frames. A traditional lecture course worth three credit hours could meet 3 times a week for 1 hour, 2 times a week for 1½ hours, or 1 time a week for 3 hours for 16 weeks or their equivalent. Laboratory and skill courses usually require meeting twice as many clock hours as the credit hours earned through them. Students should attend class and, on a weekly basis, plan to spend an average of 2 hours outside of class preparing for every 1 credit hour in which they are enrolled.

Academic Load

Fall and Spring
Full-time Status 12 hours or more of semester credit
Part-Time Status less than 12 hours of semester credit
Maximum Load 18 hours of semester credit
Full-Time Status 6 hours of semester credit**
Part-Time Status less than 6 hours of semester credit
Maximum Load 12 hours of semester credit
**For financial aid purposes, 12 credit hours is considered full-time enrollment.

A typical academic load for the traditional college student is 15-16 hours per semester and 6 hours during the summer session. A student may request permission to take more than the maximum hours from the Associate Vice President, Student Services, or Director of Advising. Permission may, or may not, be granted based on, but not limited to, the student’s past academic record and extracurricular demands such as student activities and employment situations.

Excel in CTE (Senate Bill 155-2012)

The Kansas State Senate passed Excel in CTE (Senate Bill 155-2012), which authorizes Butler Community College to waive the cost of tuition and certain fees for high school juniors and seniors who meet residency requirements for enrollment in select career technical courses. Textbooks, course and program fees may apply. For more information contact the Director of High School Academic Partnerships at

Early College Academy Admissions

Butler Community College’s Early College Academy provides exceptional opportunities for high school students to explore career paths and complete career specific coursework during their last two years of high school. Early College Academy offers high school students the opportunity to participate in job-shadowing opportunities, qualify for certifications, and build relationships with career-specific mentors in their field of interest. Students must meet specific admission requirements, complete an academy specific application, and be selected for participation in each Academy. Learn more about Butler’s Early College Academy at

Admissions Requirements:

Early College Academy requirements can be found under the Admissions section.

Entrance interview with Academy staff  

Early College Academy Pathways

The Early College Programs offer college credit to high school students in both 1- and 2-year programs.

Early College TechStart programs offer intensive 1-year training in career and workforce programs. TechStart offerings include: Diesel Tech, Auto Tech, Culinary, Welding, Cyber Security, Digital Media, Digital Marketing and Game & Simulation Design.  Students in TechStart programs earn industry credentials and certificates to go right into the workforce upon high school graduation. Many of these courses are included in Excel in CTE initiative through the state of Kansas which decreases the cost through tuition waivers for high school students.

Early College Academy programs are two-year transfer programs which enable students to earn their associate degrees while in high school. Students complete general education courses and fulfill all state requirements for any major at Wichita State, K-State, KU, Pittsburg State, Fort Hays, Emporia and Washburn Universities.  Students can enroll in Pre-Health Professions, Pre-Nursing, Education, Engineering Studies, Digital Media, Digital Marketing, Game & Simulation Design.

If students would like to begin courses in Business, Secondary Education, Livestock Management, Exercise Science or any other interest, they can create their own individualized transfer plan in the area of emphasis of their choice with the Early College MyTrack option.


Early College Academy requirements can be found under the Admissions section.

Entrance interview with Academy staff.

Enrollment Periods

It is strongly recommended that students enroll early to improve their chances of getting the schedule of classes desired.

Enrollment for the fall semester begins in March. Enrollment for the spring semester begins in October, followed by summer enrollment a few weeks later. Check the Events Calendar at

Students wishing to take responsibility for their own educational plan, must complete the release to enroll form each semester to enable their online registration via

Students wishing to enroll in an English or Math course or a course requiring prerequisites, must provide appropriate documentation of previous test scores or coursework before enrolling in the classes. As always, advisors are available to assist any student as needed.

Enrollment Deadlines

Butler is committed to helping all students succeed. Students are more successful when they attend the first class meeting and maintain their attendance throughout the semester. Students may enroll online by adding classes up to the day the class begins. Students may enroll through an advisor after the start date, but must be enrolled before the second class meeting. No online registration will be available after the class start date. After the registration deadline, late enrollment will only be allowed under extraordinary circumstances if approved by the dean or associate dean of the academic division for the class.

Enrollment and Fee Payment

All students enroll and pay fees on dates directed and publicized by the Accounts Receivable Director and Registrar. These directions and dates are issued prior to the enrollment periods for fall, spring, summer, and special sessions. Each session’s schedule of enrollment encompasses a specific time frame and directions are developed and publicized accordingly on the Butler website,

Student I.D. Card

Students are issued a photo identification card for each academic year. Students should carry the card at all times. The card admits them to all college activities and is used to identify those who have contracted for meals at the cafeteria. An I.D. is required to make purchases utilizing financial aid and to purchase computer software at the Butler Bookstores, or to utilize college computer labs. Student ID cards are available as soon as students have registered for classes, and can be acquired at the locations listed below. Please note, you must provide a government issued photo ID before a Butler student ID will be issued.

  1. El Dorado: Registrar’s Office. 600 Building Hubbard Center.
  2. Andover: 5000 Building.

Placement Testing

The Butler Testing Centers administer the Accuplacer placement test which provides students with information about their academic skills in reading and English, and the MMPA diagnostic test for math prior to class enrollment. Advisors review results with students, providing them options to enhance their academic success. Based on test scores, students may be required to take additional diagnostic testing.

Credit for Prior Learning

For students interested in earning college credit for previously acquired knowledge, Butler provides processes by which a student can decrease the time needed to complete a degree or certificate through Credit for Prior Learning (CPL). Among them are credit by examination and/or advanced placement as determined by ACT, CLEP, Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), DSST, Cambridge International (CI), military service credit, institutional exam credit, and submission of professional work portfolios. Total credit earned by means of examination may not exceed seventy-five percent of the hours required for completion of a degree or certificate. CPL alone cannot fulfill all degree requirements; students must complete 15 credit hours in residence at Butler. Once recorded on a regionally accredited institution’s transcript, credit earned by exam in CLEP, IB, AP, ACT, and CI will be accepted by Butler without requiring official score reports. The course must be a general education course detailed in the KBOR general education framework, or a course with an equivalency established at Butler. For information, contact Advising at 316.323.6259.

ACT Credit

Students may earn credit for English Composition 1 and math if they receive a score of 31 or above on those areas of the ACT exam. A grade of CR is issued for credit earned through ACT. CR grades do not factor into GPA calculation. For information regarding ACT course equivalencies at Butler, visit the Butler Community College Credit for Prior Learning website.

CLEP Credit

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams are administered through the Butler Community College Testing Center. Students may take CLEP exams to test out of courses and receive college credit for general education courses detailed in the KBOR general education framework, or a course with an equivalency established at Butler.

To see a list of available exams and to register for a CLEP test, please go to: Testers are instructed to print a testing ticket at the time of registration. The testing ticket includes a test number and must be presented to the Butler Testing Center at the time of the scheduled test. Non-military students should specify the testing location as Butler Community College of Andover. The cost of a CLEP exam is $93.00 which is paid directly to CLEP due at registration. An additional $20.00 administrative fee will be paid to Butler and is due prior to testing. Interested students should contact, (316) 323-6265 to schedule appointments and receive specific test information. Please reference “CLEP” in the email subject line.

General Examinations

When a student presents a CLEP score representing the required percentile level in one or more of the examinations, credit is recorded with a grade of CR on the student’s transcript in the area in which the score was attained. CR grades do not factor into GPA calculation. The course must be a general education course detailed in the KBOR general education framework or a course with an equivalency established at Butler. A maximum of 30 hours of CLEP may be applied toward graduation. For information regarding CLEP exams and course equivalencies at Butler, click here 

Note for Nursing Students: Students wishing to CLEP for credit for nursing prerequisite courses should be aware a grade of CR is issued for credit earned through CLEP. CR grades do not factor into GPA calculation. Because entrance into the program is based on the combined GPA of the prerequisite courses, the CLEP grade of CR is considered by the Nursing Department as equivalent to a grade of C which will be reflected in the final GPA computation.

Advanced Placement

Butler Community College offers college credit for set scores in several subject areas on Advanced Placement (AP) examinations.These tests are given by the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) in May of the junior or senior year in high schools offering advanced placement courses. Students who would like to have their Advanced Placement test scores evaluated for credit should have the Educational Testing Service (ETS) forward an official report to the Registrar’s Office. 

To request a report:

Request ordered reports to be sent to:
For Registrar’s Office
901 S. Haverhill Road
El Dorado, KS 67042

 A grade of CR is issued for credit earned through Advanced Placement. CR grades do not factor into GPA calculation. For information regarding AP exams and course equivalencies at Butler, click here .

International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit

Butler Community College awards college credit for scores in several individual subject areas on International Baccalaureate (IB) standard level (SL) and higher level (HL) examinations. These exams are administered in IB high schools by the IB organization. Students who have completed these exams should request that IB forward their official transcripts to the Butler Community College Registrar for evaluation:

Registrar’s Office
901 S. Haverhill Road
El Dorado, KS 67042

A grade of CR is issued for credit earned through International Baccalaureate. CR grades do not factor into GPA calculation. Butler Community College considers an IB diploma to be equivalent to a high school diploma. Other institutions may interpret IB credit differently. For information regarding IB exams and course equivalencies at Butler, click here 


DSST (formerly DANTES Subject Standardized Tests) are credit-by-examination tests originated by the United States Department of Defense’s Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education support (DANTES) program. Prometric administers Internet-based versions of DSSTs under contract with the Defense Department for military personnel, or on a fee basis for civilians. All are recommended by ACE Guides for 3 hours of credit to be given if tester achieves target score.

Students who submit a subject test score representing at least the minimum score established by the corresponding academic department will receive 3 credit hours in the departmentally approved Butler course. A grade of CR is issued for credit earned through DSST. CR grades do not factor into GPA calculation. A maximum of 30 hours of DSST may be applied toward graduation. Additional subject area scores may be submitted to the Registrar for evaluation. 

Cambridge International (CI) Credit

In alignment with Kansas Board of Regents guidelines, Butler Community College will award credit for Cambridge International examination scores of E or above on Advanced Levels (A Levels) exams and e or above on Advanced Subsidiary Level (AS Levels) exams when evaluated for the equivalent course or courses at Butler Community College. These exams are usually taken in the first two years of high school. A grade of CR is issued for credit earned through Cambridge International. CR grades do not factor into GPA calculation. For information regarding CI exams and course equivalencies at Butler, click here . Students who have completed these exams should request their official transcripts be sent to the Butler Community College Registrar for evaluation:

Registrar’s Office
901 S. Haverhill Road
El Dorado, KS 67042

ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC)

Butler Community College will award 6 credit hours of elective credit for a Platinum level score OR 4 credit hours of elective credit for a Gold level score on the ACT WorkKeys NCRC. A grade of CR is issued for credit earned through the NCRC. CR grades do not factor into GPA calculation. Students who have completed these exams should request their official transcripts be sent to the Butler Community College Registrar for evaluation. A digital badge issued via Credly is also acceptable proof of NCRC scores. Please email digital badge information to with the subject “ACT WorkKeys NCRC”.

Corporate Training Credit

Students who have completed certification testing in various professions may submit their training profiles for possible credit. The evaluation will be based on American Council on Education (ACE) National Guide to College Credit for Workforce Training. The ACE Guide gives credit recommendations for formal courses or examinations offered by various organizations, from businesses and unions to the government. Butler faculty will compare training content and competence demonstrated through the documented testing to determine acceptance of course equivalent credit. Email for more information.

Military Service Credit

Butler is a Service Member Opportunity College (SOC) which means credit for military experience and training can be awarded to assist the student in completing their degree. Butler will act as a credit-holding institution by which a service member can enroll with Butler, be transferred and still complete an associate degree program.

Students who have previously served in any branch of the United States Armed Forces may receive college credit for their military training and experience. Four semester hours of credit in physical education may be allowed for certain service schools completed. All military schools are evaluated upon request.

Students who desire credit for their military service should submit an official transcript to the Registrar. Military service credits from the Air Force are reported on an Air University transcript and can be ordered via Parchment. Military service credits from the Army, Navy, Marines, and Coast Guard are reported on a Joint Services Transcript and can be requested by registering at

Military credit evaluations are based on American Council on Education (ACE) National Guide to College Credit for Military Experience and Training. The ACE guide gives credit recommendations for formal courses or examinations offered by various organizations, from businesses and unions to the government. Butler faculty will compare training content and competence demonstrated through the documented testing to determine acceptance of course equivalent credit. Previously reviewed and approved military credits abased upon occupational code are available at For more information about military credit transfer, contact the Registrar’s Office.

Professional Work Learning Credit

Students who have worked in professional fields and are seeking a degree or certificate in the comparable field may be able to receive credit based on an examination of a portfolio documenting their prior learning as demonstrated through such items as resumes, training records, job descriptions and work examples. Interested individuals should contact the dean of the appropriate academic division to obtain instructions on the expectations for such a portfolio given the specific professional field.

Alternate Sources of Credit

Credit by Exam in Mathematics

Students may be eligible for Credit by Exam for specific Intermediate Algebra modules and College Algebra modules if they achieve a minimum score on the Butler Community College My Math Plan Assessment (MMPA).  The MMPA aligns with specific course outcomes and includes questions from course module exams.  The MMPA covers the same material as the course for which Credit by Exam is sought. Students can apply for and earn a maximum of six credit hours of Credit by Exam in Intermediate and College Algebra.
Request for Credit
To be considered for Credit by Exam, students must submit a Credit by Exam Request Form to the Registrar’s Office. To ensure students understand the limitations of coursework earned by exam, the Credit by Exam Request Form must be signed by a Butler Community College Academic Advisor. If the request is deemed eligible, courses are notated on the academic transcript as “Institutional Exam Credit” with a grade of CR. CR grades do not factor into GPA calculation. Courses with CR grades will satisfy course prerequisites and most degree and certificate requirements at Butler Community College.
Transfer Students
Courses awarded by exam may not transfer to other institutions or be used to satisfy prerequisites for courses at other institutions. It is recommended students consult their transfer institution and academic advisor before choosing this option.

Retroactive Credit in Foreign Languages

Retroactive Credit can be earned by successfully completing language classes beyond the introductory level with a grade of C or better. Placement in language classes beyond the introductory level is based upon proficiency acquired prior to attending Butler Community College. Students can apply for and earn a maximum of ten credit hours of Retroactive Credit in a specific foreign language.
Request for Credit
To be considered for Retroactive Credit, students must submit a Retroactive Credit Request Form to the Registrar’s Office. To ensure students understand the limitations of coursework earned through retroactive credit, the Retroactive Credit Request Form must be signed by a Butler Community College Academic Advisor. If credit is granted, courses are notated on the academic transcript as “Retroactive Credit” with a grade of CR. CR grades do not factor into GPA calculation. Courses with CR grades will satisfy course prerequisites and most degree and certificate requirements at Butler Community College.
Transfer Students
Courses awarded through Retroactive Credit may not transfer to other institutions or be used to satisfy prerequisites for courses at other institutions. It is recommended students consult their transfer institution and academic advisor before choosing this option.

Career Pathways

Butler is pleased to partner with the Kansas State Department of Education in support of the Career Pathways initiative through the creation and maintenance of articulations agreements with high schools. Students who receive a grade of C or better in selected and approved courses, will be awarded credit at Butler Community College for use with Associate of Applied Science degrees, certain Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degrees and/or for certain Certificate Programs. The credit can be requested by the student up to 15 months after their high school graduation date. Articulation program details, and articulation credit applications for students are located at Students are also encouraged to see their Butler advisor or high school counselor for further information.

Transfer Hours

The college requires an official transcript be sent from each institution for prior coursework to be used toward a degree program. In addition, certain students (VA, athletes, and select financial aid recipients) are required to provide all official transcripts to the Registrar’s Office. All official transcripts on file will be used in the determination of financial aid eligibility.

Electronic transcripts should be emailed using a secure electronic exchange from your high school, college, or other educational institution to Transcripts emailed from the student are not considered official and will be used for advising purposes only.

Butler accepts transfer hours from institutions regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission or regional accreditations accepted by the U.S. Department of Education. Butler only reviews and transcripts transfer credit for students enrolled in degree programs. Transcripts for students who are non-degree seeking are not reviewed, but may be used for advising purposes.

All accepted transfer hours will be included in the overall grade point average, whether or not the classes apply specifically to the degree or certificate being sought. Courses considered developmental are not accepted for credit and are not counted in the student’s final grade point average.

All transfer hours must follow the same policies and procedures as Butler hours (including grading scale) with the exception of Academic Renewal policies.

Transfer hours are placed on a Butler transcript for degree or certificate seeking students when official transcripts have been received and an application for admission has been received and processed.


Student classification is based on credit hours completed and grade points earned. Full-time enrollment requires a minimum of 12 hours each semester. Upon completion of the freshman year, a student should have accumulated at least 30 hours and 52 grade points for classification as a sophomore.


A grade is assigned for all courses in which a student is regularly enrolled during any semester or session. A grade once earned and entered upon a student’s record cannot be removed and may not be changed without the approval of the instructor and if the change is requested more than 6 weeks after the grade was posted, it must be approved by the appropriate division dean. If a student repeats a course, it is with the understanding that the last grade earned is the one to be counted toward fulfillment of degree requirements and overall GPA calculation.

Student grades may be interpreted as follows:

A Excellent 4
B Good 3
C Average 2
D Poor 1
F Failing 0
I Incomplete 0
WD Withdrawal 0
IP Class still in progress 0
NR Grade not reported by instructor 0
NCR Zero-credit course No credit 0
CRE Zero-credit course No credit 0
WT Withdrawn by Teacher 0
AU Audit 0
CR Credit 0
CP Credit Pending (Tech Prep Only) 0
^ Grade earned in a Developmental Course Not Computed in GPA or Total Hours Earned
* Course Repeated Not Computed in GPA or Total Hours Earned
# Academic Renewal Not Computed in GPA or Total Hours Earned

Grade Point Average

A grade point average is the quotient obtained by dividing the number of grade points earned in college-level courses by the number of semester hours of college-level courses attempted (i.e., those for which A, B, C, D or F are recorded) except those courses that have been cancelled by re-enrollment. In such re-enrollments the most recent grade will be used in computing grade point averages. The original grade will be shown on the student’s transcript marked with an asterisk (*) or the letter “E” in the far right-hand column indicating that grade is “Excluded.”

Grade Posting

The posting of grades (paper or electronic) either by student’s name, institutional student identification number or social security number is a violation of FERPA. Even with names obscured and not in alphabetical order, student identifiers are considered personally identifiable information and may result in a FERPA violation. Therefore, the posting of grades is not allowed.

Incomplete Policy

Students who have experienced an extenuating circumstance that prevents completion of the course on time may request an “I” (incomplete) grade from the instructor. In order to be considered, the student must have a passing grade at the time of the request and no longer be able to drop or withdraw from the course. In certain courses, an incomplete grade may not be an option due to the nature of the course material, length of course, or teaching methodology. Incomplete grades will be granted only for exceptional circumstances and are granted strictly at the discretion of the instructor.

It is the student’s responsibility to initiate a written contract with the instructor that includes the coursework to be completed and the time frame. Written contracts will be sent to the Dean and the Registrar’s office. The Registrar’s office will electronically store the contracts with the student’s file.

An incomplete grade must be satisfactorily completed by a date set by the instructor, such date not to exceed 50% of the length of the course. If the requirements are not completed in this time frame, the instructor will submit the grade earned. Extensions can be considered on a case by case basis.

Students receiving financial aid or scholarships should contact the financial aid office and/or the department granting the scholarship to discuss how Incompletes will affect their eligibility. A Return to Title IV Funds (R2T4) calculation will be made for students who have all grades of I, WD/WT, or F. Students may owe back financial aid funds due to this calculation. Students should contact the financial aid office upon completion of the course to determine if the R2T4 can be reversed.


Students are permitted to enroll in credit courses for noncredit on a space available basis, but must indicate their desire to audit at the time of enrollment. Enrollment in audited courses cannot be processed via online enrollment. To audit a class, students must enroll in the same manner, meet any course prerequisites, and pay the same fees as if enrolling on a credit basis. Audit enrollment will not be changed to credit enrollment after the class begins, nor may students change to audit after the class begins. Students enrolled for audit credit have the same privileges of class participation and instructor evaluation as students enrolled for credit. Regular class attendance is expected of audit students. The audited class will appear on the transcript with the grade notation “AU.” High school students below the sophomore level will be allowed to audit courses only with approval of the appropriate dean. Audit hours are not considered for financial aid.

Repeat of Coursework

A student may retake courses in order to improve a grade under the following conditions:

  1. A student may enroll in a course for credit one time only.
  2. The repeat grade will be used in grade point average computation, regardless of whether it is higher or lower than the original grade. The original grade and credit is not counted although it remains on the transcript, marked with the symbol *, or “E” in the far right column indicating “excluded.”
  3. You should consult with the Financial Aid office to verify if your financial aid will be affected by repeating a course.

Academic Renewal

Students wishing to petition for academic renewal must file a formal letter of petition with the Registrar’s Office indicating why they no longer wish their previous Butler academic record considered for college credit. The Registrar will make a determination as to whether a petition has met the following criteria. Students filing petitions will be informed of the final decision in writing.

Academic Renewal Petition Criteria

  1. Only those courses taken five years ago or more may be petitioned.
  2. Students petitioning must have shown academic progress by completing a minimum of 12 hours with at least a 2.00 GPA since the semester or class being considered, at Butler or any other accredited institution.

Regulations Regarding Academic Renewal

  1. Only Butler hours can be petitioned for academic renewal. Hours from another institution will need to be petitioned at that institution since academic renewal policies vary.
  2. Students will only be eligible to receive academic renewal one time.
  3. Students may choose to petition either a single course or an entire semester of courses keeping in mind the opportunity to petition for academic renewal is given only once.
  4. The course or courses granted academic renewal remain on the Butler transcript marked with the symbol #, but will no longer be counted in the final GPA or total hours earned.
  5. Academic Renewal may not change your financial aid status.

Student Honors

Honor Rolls

The President’s Honor Roll recognizes students who have earned a semester grade point average of 4.0. The Dean’s Honor Roll includes students who have earned a semester grade point average of 3.5 to 3.99. In order to be eligible for these honor rolls, a student must complete a minimum of 9 hours college level coursework per semester and have no grade lower than a “C.”

Order of the Purple and Order of the Gold

Graduating students may earn an additional honor by qualifying for membership in the Order of the Purple or Order of the Gold. Order of the Purple candidacy is announced each spring by the Vice President of Academics. Candidacy for this honor is based on a combined (Institutional and transfer) grade point average and a minimum of 30 resident Butler hours earned in college level coursework at the time of graduation.

Graduates with a combined (institutional and transfer) grade point average of 3.75 and above are eligible for membership in Order of the Purple. To further qualify for Order of the Gold, graduates must have a combined (institutional and transfer) 4.0 grade point average, these hours are calculated to include the semester of graduation.

Both honors are based on the student’s qualifying grade point average (see above), and a minimum of 30 resident Butler hours earned in college level coursework at the time of graduation.

If eligibility occurs after final semester grades are included, honors are posted to student’s transcript and the award sent at that time.

Phi Theta Kappa

Phi Theta Kappa is an honor society serving institutions internationally which offer associate degree programs. Its purpose is to recognize and encourage scholarship among associate degree students. Phi Theta Kappa provides opportunity for the development of leadership and service, for an intellectual climate to exchange ideas and ideals, for lively fellowship of scholars, and for stimulation of interest in continuing academic excellence.

National Technical Honor Society

The purpose of the NTHS is to honor student achievement and leadership, promote educational excellence, and enhance career opportunities. NTHS strives to be the leader in providing recognition for excellence in career and technical education and creating significant occupational opportunities for America’s top workforce education students.

Attendance Policy

Student success in college is dependent upon full participation in class activities.  Because classroom activities are intended to help students learn, it is expected that students will attend all class meetings and activities.  Students are expected to be on time for each session and/or log in regularly, have the required textbook and materials, and make satisfactory progress in the class.  If students must be absent, they should make arrangements in advance with their instructors.  Students are responsible for notifying instructors of any absence.

Withdrawal from a course may affect a student’s financial aid. It is the student’s responsibility to attend and actively participate to make sure they maintain financial aid eligibility.

Procedural Clarifications:

All instructors will maintain attendance as required for reporting.  Following census reporting, instructors are strongly encouraged, but not required to take attendance.

For lecture/blended courses:

  • Excessive unexcused absences are defined as missing more than 20% of the total scheduled meeting times for the course.
  • Students who have missed more than 20% of the total scheduled meeting times for the course and are not passing may be withdrawn by the instructor.

For online courses:

  • Students must actively participate by submitting an academic activity at least once per week.
  • Students who are not actively participating, missing more than 20% of the total length of the course and who are not passing may be withdrawn by the instructor. 
  • Simply logging in to the online course does not meet the requirement for active participation.

If a student is withdrawn by the instructor a “WT” (withdrawn by teacher) will be recorded on his/her permanent record.  An instructor cannot withdraw a student who is regularly attending for below average performance.  A faculty member cannot withdraw a student after the published last day to withdraw.  Any exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Dean.  Students who want to withdraw from the course may do so before or on the published last day to withdraw.

Student absences for approved college activities will not accrue as excessive unexcused absences.  Students will be allowed to make up work missed as a result of college approved activities.  Students will make up work before the absence or within one week after returning to class.  Students will check with each of their instructors prior to the absence to arrange for makeup times.  Activity sponsors will publish a timely list of students who will be absent because of an approved college activity.

Drop and Withdrawal Policy

Administrative Withdrawals

Students can be administratively withdrawn from a course for violating expectations of student conduct and standards of honesty, and for excessive absences (see Attendance Policy). When a student is administratively withdrawn, a “WD” or “WT” (withdrawn by teacher) will be recorded on his/her permanent record. Once a student is administratively withdrawn for any reason, the student will no longer be allowed to attend the class (es) from which they have been withdrawn unless written authorization of re-instatement by the appropriate administrator can be provided.

Students can check current registration status via on Butler’s homepage at or by calling the Registrar’s office at (316) 322-3268 from the Wichita/metro area.

Withdrawal from Class(es)

For an official withdrawal from class(es), a student may meet face-to-face with an advisor and submit, in writing, a course scheduling form. Students may also withdraw from most classes via A “WD” (Withdrawal) shall be recorded. The last day to withdraw from class is posted on the Butler Website or available from registration personnel at any Butler site.

If the withdrawal does not occur within the “refund period” charges will remain on the student account.

Note: Students who fail to officially drop by the last day to withdraw will receive the grade earned in the course.

Financial Aid and/or scholarship students are advised to confer with the Financial Aid Office prior to dropping any class in order to maintain the number of credit hours necessary to receive such aid. If you receive financial aid for classes you never attended or dropped, you may be required to repay part or all of your aid.

Expectation of Academic Progress

It is the philosophy of Butler Community College that every student enrolled for classes should have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to perform acceptable college-level work.

Academic Probation

Students earning a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of less than 2.0 will be placed on academic probation. Probation is a warning that the student is failing to make sufficient academic progress. Students placed on academic probation are limited to twelve (12) credit hours per semester, unless approved by an academic advisor. The student will remain on academic probation until the cumulative GPA improves to a 2.0 or higher. At that point, the student will return to academic good standing. At the close of the probation semester, students whose cumulative GPA has not improved to at least a 2.0 will be placed on Academic Suspension.

Academic Suspension

At the close of the probation semester, students on academic probation earning a cumulative GPA of less than 2.0 will be placed on academic suspension and will remain on suspension until the cumulative GPA improves to a 2.0 or higher. Students on academic suspension must complete an appeal with an Academic Success Coach and will be allowed to enroll if the appeal is approved.  Students on appeal will complete a Student Success Contract, and future appeals may be denied if students do not adhere to the requirements as agreed.  If an appeal is approved, an academic advisor will assist the student with enrollment. Suspension students are limited to six (6) credit hours per semester until the cumulative GPA improves to a 2.0 or higher, unless otherwise approved by the Director of Retention. Appeals will be accepted and granted on a case-by-case basis.

Expectation of Student Conduct

Butler Community College expects students to behave in a manner that supports a positive educational environment for all. Upon enrollment, each student accepts the obligations of performance and behavior imposed by the college relevant to its lawful missions, processes and functions. The Student Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity policies have been developed to achieve that aim.

Student Code of Conduct

At Butler Community College students are expected to be responsible for reviewing all of the policies at the College. Specifically, students are required to understand the policies that relate to student behavior, academic honesty, and Butler’s timeless institutional values of quality, integrity, service, and care. All students are expected to adhere to all of these policies. Lack of knowledge of the policies is not an acceptable excuse for non-compliance.

When in the classroom, students must be fully engaged in any class. Any act of disrespect toward an instructor, sponsor or College official is unacceptable. Students are expected to immediately comply with directives from any College official. If a student feels that a request is inappropriate, they should voice their concern to the Vice-President for Student Services.

Butler Community College expressly prohibits any form of discrimination or harassment based on gender, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or status in any group protected by state or local law.

Student behavior that is contrary to adopted school policy will result in appropriate disciplinary action. Grounds for probation, suspension or expulsion include:

  1. Willful violation of any published regulation for student conduct adopted or approved by the Board of Trustees
  2. Individual or group behavior which substantially impinges upon or invades the rights of others, disrupts, impedes or interferes with the operation of any college class or activity. Such conduct includes (but is not limited to) assault, threats to the personal safety of one’s self or others, throwing objects, making excessive noise, unwelcome physical contact, or hazing/bullying.
  3. Conduct which results in violations of federal, state laws, and local city ordinances or conviction of the student of any offense specified in chapter 21 of the Kansas Statutes Annotated or any criminal statute of the United States.
  4. Disobedience of an order from a teacher, peace officer, college security officer or other school authority, when such disobedience can reasonably be anticipated to result in disorder, disruption or interference with the operation of any college class or activity is prohibited.
  5. Being under the influence, possessing, and/or consuming alcoholic beverages (3.2 beer included), illegal or unauthorized drugs on college property. (See Disciplinary Action for Drug and Alcohol Violations in the Student Handbook).
  6. Theft of any kind, including seizing, receiving or concealing property with knowledge that it has been stolen. Willful, intentional or negligent damage or destruction to any property belonging to the college, faculty or staff, visitor or student.
  7. Willful, intentional or negligent damage or destruction to any property belonging to the college, faculty or staff, visitor or student.
  8. Possession or use of unauthorized firearms or other weapons or violation of the Weapons Policy.
  9. Violations of any computer lab policy. Violations of ethical standards and unauthorized or inappropriate use of computer such as (but not limited): using other’s e-mail without permission, downloading or engaging in pornographic material, monopolizing hardware, software and/or printers for personal use (not college related), tampering with the college’s network security system, or any illegal activity that violates the laws of libel, copyright, trademark and the Buckley Amendment.
  10. Intentionally and/or maliciously violating the Academic Integrity policy or falsifying College documents or records (including financial aid, admissions and registration) or make a false report or statement to a College official. (See Academic Integrity)
  11. Participation in inappropriate sexual behavior or sexual harassment of College faculty, staff, or students. (See Harassment and Violence Policy)
  12. Use of cigarettes, chewing tobacco, electronic cigarettes or any other violation of the College Tobacco Free Campus Policy. (See Tobacco Free Campus Policy)
  13. Committing identity theft by using personality identifying information belonging to other people or committing fraud for the purpose of personal gain. (See Identity Theft and Fraud Policy) 

Students are expected to fully cooperate with any investigation affecting the College by local law enforcement or college officials. If a student participates in conduct which results in their conviction of any misdemeanor or felony offense, they may face disciplinary action from the College that may include being removed from school.

College officials including the President, Vice President of Academics, or Vice President of Student Services (or their designees) may impose sanctions including probation, suspension, dismissal, and expulsion of any student who violates College Policy including the Student Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity policies.

If a student disagrees with the sanctions set forth by a college official, he/she has the right to appeal. To appeal sanctions resulting from violations of the Student Code of Conduct, except the Academic Integrity violations, the student should refer to the Student Disciplinary Process. For violations of the Academic Integrity policy and disagreements about grade assignments, the students should refer to the Academic Integrity and Academic Appeal Process.

Student Disciplinary Process

Butler’s Student Disciplinary Process is a three-step model consisting of the following stages: Investigation and Initial decision; Appeal to the Student Review and Appeals Committee; and Appeal to the Vice President of Student Services.

Stage one of the disciplinary process begins with any college student, faculty, or staff member reporting or making a complaint of a student(s) of suspected violation of College Policy. Upon receipt of a complaint, the investigation stage begins. During this stage the investigation may include interviewing witnesses and suspects of the before mentioned complaint. Most investigations are completed by the Department of Public Safety and/or other student services staff (i.e. residence life staff). The College shall determine appropriate disciplinary action(s) based on the type and severity of behavior or violation committed.

While a disciplinary decision is pending, the Associate Vice President of Student Services (or designee) may immediately impose interim action(s) in the event that a student’s continued presence in class, program, activity or event or on any College-owned, College-operated or College-utilized facility poses a significant danger to themselves or others, and/or there is reasonable cause to believe that such interim action is required to protect lives or property or to ensure the maintenance of order. In imposing interim action, the Associate Vice President of Student Services (or designee) will give consideration to potential consequences of the action imposed, such as the student’s inability to attend classes. The College may allow for alternative means for the student to fulfill academic and other obligations. A student may request a review of an interim action while it remains in effect by submitting a written request to the Vice President of Student Services. The Vice President of Student Services will review the request and determine if the interim action will be upheld, modified or terminated. The decision of the vice president will be final, and the interim action process will be separate and distinct from the investigation and discipline procedure.

After the investigation is completed a written report is forwarded to the Associate Vice President of Student Services (or designee) and the disciplinary process is initiated. The role of the a Associate Vice President of Student Services is that of fact finding, rule interpretation, and choice of sanction for policy violation(s). The Associate Vice President of Student Services will review, in person, with the student the nature of the complaint and render sanctions in writing to the student. In addition to or in conjunction with probation, suspension, or expulsion the following list of sanctions may be imposed by the College as part of disciplinary action: mandatory training, hold on student records, academic or personal counseling, restitution and fines, required administrative meetings, medical certification/evaluation, execution of a behavioral agreement, modifications to the academic schedule, issuance of a no-contact other in relation to another individual, mandatory project or assignment, denial of privileges, emergency suspension, ban from College campus or activities and/or community service.

No suspension or expulsion shall be imposed upon a student without notification of their right to an appeal to the Student Review and Appeals Committee. In cases of expulsion, students will first be placed on suspension in order to have the opportunity to appeal. A written notice of any decision to suspend or expel a student will include the charges upon which the decision is based. This notice shall be given to the student to be suspended or expelled and to his or her parents or guardians (if student is dependent and under 18 years of age). Such notice shall be accompanied by a copy of this procedural regulation.

If a student wishes to appeal any disciplinary action or decisions to suspend or expel, he or she must do so in writing to the Vice President for Student Services within two days of receiving disciplinary sanctions. Upon receipt of the letter requesting the appeal, the Vice President for Student Services must notify the student of the time, date, and place that the student will be afforded an opportunity for a formal hearing, and such date shall not be later than seventy-two (72) hours after the Vice President for Student Services has received the student’s appeal. For the purposes of time notification, weekends and school holidays are excluded. The Student Review and Appeals Committee is comprised of four faculty members and four Student Services staff members, chaired by the Vice President of Academics.

Should the student desire to appeal the decision made by the Student Review and Appeals Committee, they may do so, in writing, directly to the Vice President of Student Services. The Vice President of Student Services will review all of the documentation that was presented during the appeal to the Student Review and Appeals Committee. The Vice President of Student Services has the ability to support the decision made by the Student Review and Appeals Committee or make a decision to overturn such decision made by the committee. Students will be notified of appeal results in writing. The Vice President of Student Services’ decision is final. 

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the development of knowledge and/or skills without any form of cheating or plagiarism.  All Butler students, faculty, staff, and administrators are responsible for upholding academic integrity. 

Examples of cheating include, but are not limited to:

  • Giving, receiving, or using unauthorized help on individual and group academic exercises such as papers, quizzes, tests, and presentations through any delivery system in any learning environment
  • Impersonating another student
  • Sharing content without authorization
  • Fabricating data
  • Altering academic documents including records, with or without the use of personal and college electronic devices
  • Utilizing an AI-content generator (such as ChatGPT), language translators (such as Google translate), or computer algebra systems (such as Photomath) to complete coursework without proper attribution or authorization

Examples of plagiarism include, but are not limited to: 

  • Representing or turning in someone else’s work without proper citation of the source
  • Unacknowledged paraphrase, quotation, or complete use of someone else’s work in any form
  • Citing work that is not used
  • Taking credit for a group project without contributing to it
  • Permitting another person and/or organization to write or contribute to any portion of an assignment, which includes hiring a person or a company to author essays and drafts and/or other assignments (research-based or otherwise)
  • Utilizing ChatGPT and/or other artificial intelligence without proper attribution or authorization
  • Submitting the same written assignment for more than one class without securing prior permission from instructors
  • Failing to cite oneself as a source when using work submitted in other assignments at Butler Community College or other educational institutions, including high school.

Faculty members have discretion in handling student violations of the academic integrity policy, but faculty members must consult with their deans or administrators prior to removing a student from a course. Faculty members must inform students of violations and their consequences in writing. Students who violate the academic integrity policy will sustain academic consequences set by faculty members.

The consequences may include, but are not limited to, any of the following actions and may be imposed in any order or sequence:

1. A warning.
2. A zero or failing grade on the academic exercise with repetition of the exercise allowed for reduced or the same amount of original credit.
3. A zero or failing grade on the exercise with no repetition allowed.
4. A failing grade in the course and removal from it.
5. Students who violate the academic integrity policy are also subject to administrative consequences, which may include, but no limited to:

a. Reduction or cancellation of a college scholarship.
b. Suspension from college activities.
c. Being barred from the course and/or program for a set time.
d. Being barred from the course and/or program permanently.
e. Suspension from the college for a set time.
f. Expulsion from the college.

Students will be informed of administrative consequences in writing. Students have the right to appeal any decision or disciplinary action as outlined in the Academic Appeal Process.

Academic Appeal Process

Butler’s Academic Appeal Process is a model consisting of the following steps: Faculty/Student Resolution; Dean or Associate Dean; Appeal to the Student Review and Appeals Committee; and Final Appeal to the Vice President of Academics.

The Butler Community College academic appeals process is to be used for grade appeals or any other violation of the academic integrity policy. The following procedures will be followed to ensure an appropriate resolution of the academic appeal:

Step 1: FACULTY/STUDENT RESOLUTION The student will attempt to resolve the issue with the faculty member by requesting a meeting and discussing the issue.

Step 2: DEAN OR ASSOCIATE DEAN APPEAL If the issue cannot be resolved between the student and the faculty member, the student has the right to appeal to the appropriate academic dean or associate dean. To initiate an appeal, the student must complete the Academic Appeal Form online with a summary of the situation and provide any supporting documentation. The academic dean or associate dean will notify the student of his or her decision in writing. For grade appeals, the online Academic Appeal Form must be submitted within six weeks of the date the grade was officially posted by the Registrar’s Office.

Step 3: STUDENT REVIEW AND APPEALS COMMITTEE If the student is not satisfied with the decision of the academic dean or associate dean, the student may appeal this decision within 10 business days with the Student Review and Appeals Committee. The appeal must be made to the Vice President of Student Services using the online Academic Appeal Form. The student should describe the initial concern; provide any supporting documentation; indicate the decision by the academic dean or associate dean, and explain why this decision is not satisfactory. The Student Review and Appeals Committee may request additional information from the instructor, academic dean, associate dean, site director, or others. Once all documents are received, the committee will review the information and notify the student of the committee’s decision in writing. 

Step 4:  FINAL APPEAL TO THE VICE PRESIDENT OF ACADEMICS If the student is not satisfied with the decision on the Student Review and Appeals Committee, they have one final level of appeal with the Vice President of Academics.  The student must submit the appeal to the Vice President of Academics, using the online Academic Appeal Form, within 10 business days of receiving the decision by the Student Review and Appeals Committee.  Once the appeal has been received by the Vice President of Academics, a meeting will be arranged with the student.  At that meeting, the student should present all of their information and documentation that they have as to why they want to appeal the decision.  After hearing all of the rationale presented by the student, the Vice President of Academics will take time to review all documentation provided by the student, the instructor, academic dean, associate dean, and Student Review and Appeals Committee.  Following the review, the Vice President of Academics will provide a decision, in writing, to the student.  The decision made by the Vice President of Academics is final and concludes the appeal process.

IN CASES OF SUSPENSION OR EXPULSION When the student is notified that they have been suspended or expelled for violations of the academic integrity policy, students will have the right to a formal hearing and procedural due process.  Students must file an appeal in writing to the Vice President of Student Services.  Upon receipt of the letter requesting the appeal, the Vice President of Student Services must notify the student of the time, date, and place that the student will be afforded an opportunity for a formal hearing.  The Student Review and Appeals Committee is comprised of four faculty members and four Student Services staff members, chaired by the Vice-President of Student Services.

Procedural Due Process

When disciplinary action is administered for violations of College Policy, students have the right to appeal the disciplinary action, through the Student Disciplinary Process and in cases of proposed suspension or expulsion for Academic Appeals Process. Students who have been sanctioned for violating College Policies, the Student Code of Conduct or the Academic Integrity Policy are assured due process. The formal hearing described process described in the Student Disciplinary Process and the Academic Appeals Process, hereof shall afford procedural due process including but not limited to the following listed below. The student and the College administrator involved in this hearing may choose to be present during the entire presentation of evidence.

Rights of the Participants

  1. The right of the student and the College to have counsel of his/her own choice present and to receive the advice of such counsel or other person whom he/she may select.
  2. The right of the student and his/her counsel or advisor and the College to hear or read a full report of testimony.
  3. The right of the student and his/her counsel and the College to confront and cross-examine witnesses who appear in person at the hearing, either voluntarily or as a result of the issuance of a subpoena.
  4. The right of the student and the College to present their own witnesses in person or their testimony by affidavit.
  5. The right of the student and the College to testify in their behalf and give reasons for his/her conduct.
  6. The right of the student and the College to have an orderly hearing.
  7. The right of the student and the College to a fair and impartial decision based on substantial evidence.

For the purposes of this regulation “counsel” means any person a student or the College selects to represent and advise them at all proceedings conducted pursuant to the provisions of these regulations governing suspension and expulsion of students.

Powers and Duties of Person(s) Conducting the Hearings
Any person, hearing officer, or any member of a committee while conducting a hearing may:

  1. Administer oaths for the purpose of taking testimony.
  2. Call and examine witnesses and receive documentary and other evidence.
  3. Take any other action necessary to make the hearing in accord with procedural due process.

The Chairperson of the Student Review and Appeals Committee in holding an appeal hearing may, and upon the request of any student for whom such hearing is held or his or her parent or counsel, petition that the administrative judge of the judicial district court be authorized to issue subpoenas for the attendance and testimony of the principal witness or witnesses and production of books, records, reports, papers and documents relating to the proposed suspension or expulsion in the same manner as the issuance of subpoenas in civil actions pursuant to K.S.A. 60-245. For the purpose of this paragraph, “principal witness” means any witness whose testimony is of major importance in support of the charges upon which the proposed suspension or expulsion is based or in determination of material questions of fact.

Reports of Hearing(s)

Upon the conclusion of any formal hearing, the Student Review and Appeals Committee shall make a decision and notify the student, in writing, of the decision. A copy of the decision will be kept with the Vice President for Student Services and shall be open to the inspection of the student who is suspended or expelled and, if the student has not attained eighteen (18) years of age, to his or her parents or guardians and counsel or other advisor. If the student has attained eighteen (18) years of age, such report shall be open to the inspection of his or her parents or guardians and counsel or other advisor only upon written consent of the student. Whenever any such formal hearing results in suspension or expulsion, the Student Review and Appeals Committee conducting such hearing may make a recommendation to the Vice President of Student Services that returns the student to classes, pending any appeal or during the period allowed for notice of appeal, if such student is not reasonably anticipated to cause continued repeated material disorder, disruption, or interference with the operation of the college or substantial and material impingement upon or invasion of the rights of others. Whenever the committee fails to make a recommendation, the suspension shall continue until an appeal is determined or until the period of suspension or expulsion has expired, whichever is the sooner.

Under this regulation, whenever any written notice is required to be given to parents or guardians of any student, it shall be sufficient if the same is mailed to the residence of such parents or guardians at the address on file in the college records of such student. In lieu of mailing such written notice, the same may be personally delivered. 

Formal Complaint Process

The Butler Community College nonacademic appeals process is to be used for issues other than disciplinary or academic matters, and provides students with protection against unwarranted infringement of their rights. A grievance may concern an alleged violation of college policies, infringement of rights and other such problems dealing with other students, college staff and faculty and authorized college activities.

In any case where a grievance involves alleged illegal discrimination, including any claim that a student has been subject to illegal discrimination on the basis of race, sex, national origin, age, religion or disability, marital or parental status or status as a veteran, the Vice President of Student Services will notify the Section 504 Counselor or Title IX Coordinator in writing of the grievance. Claims of illegal discrimination will be investigated using the Policy of Nondiscrimination and/or the Harassment and Violence Policy.

The following procedures will be followed to ensure an appropriate resolution of a student grievance or complaint at the lowest possible level:

Step 1: The student will attempt to rectify the grievance with the supervisor of the area in which the alleged violation occurred within 10 business days. Every effort will be made to resolve the grievance at the lowest possible level.

Step 2: here resolution is impossible or unsatisfactory to either party, the issue should be appealed in writing to the appropriate director or administrator. The director or administrator must inform the student in writing of any decision made and the reason for that decision within five business days.

Step 3: If the student feels the grievance has not been resolved, he/she may submit a written grievance to the Vice President for Student Services within 10 business days from the time the complaint was filed at the previous level and request a conference. The Vice President for Student Services must, within five business days, schedule and hold a conference with the student. Within five business days, following the conference, the Vice President must inform the student in writing of any decision made and the reasons for making that decision. The decision of the Vice President for Student Services is final.

Butler Community College is governed by a Board of Trustees who are responsible for ensuring lawful implementation of complaint procedures. If a student believes their complaint has not been addressed satisfactorily with the Butler administration after exhausting all applicable College complaint procedures, the student may submit their complaint to the Board of Trustees by emailing the Board at or by mailing the complaint to:

Board of Trustees
Butler Community College
910 S Haverhill Rd
El Dorado, KS  67042

Students should include their name, email address, cell phone number, mailing address, dates of enrollment, details of the complaint and the desired outcome.

The Board will reply within 10 business days to let the student know the complaint was received and whether additional information is required. The Board of Trustees will appoint a committee to review the submitted information.  The Board of Trustees’ decision will determine if the College has a process for addressing the complaint, if the College process was followed, and if the College resolution was reasonable. 

The Board will send a written response within 45 days of receipt of the complaint to the student with the complaint resolution.  The proceedings will occur in a professional manner and all efforts will be made to protect the rights of all parties involved.

A record of all complaints and their resolution will be documented and the records will be kept in the Board Office, Clerk of the Board of Trustees, 901 S Haverhill Rd, El Dorado, KS 67042.

If the student feels the complaint has not been properly addressed, the student may follow the state complaint process by contacting the applicable state agencies:

  • Consumer protection and/or fraud complaints may be filed with the Kansas Attorney General’s office. Kansas Attorney General’s Office of Consumer Protection: Consumer Protection Hotline1-800-432-2310(785) 296-3751Fax: (785) 291-3699
  • Discrimination complaints may be filed with the Kansas Human Rights Commission,
  • Complaints regarding State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) courses delivered by SARA member community colleges may be filed by students enrolled in those courses with the Kansas Board of Regents office,​
  • Kansas Community Colleges are regionally accredited by the Higher Learning Commission HLC). Complaints regarding an institution’s ongoing ability to meet the Criteria of Accreditation may be filed by following the guidelines at

Harassment and Non-Discrimination Policy 

Policy Statement

Butler Community College is committed to providing a workplace and educational environment, as well as other benefits, programs, and activities, that are free from discrimination, harassment, violence, and retaliation. Butler Community College prohibits any form of discrimination, harassment, violence, threats or attempts to inflict and/or aid in inflicting violence against an employee or student based on race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, marital status, political affiliation and/or any other status protected by federal, state or local law and/or because the person opposed unlawful discrimination and/or participated in an investigation or compliant concerning unlawful discrimination.  For purposes of this Policy, these prohibitions apply to Butler Community College, students, faculty members, administrators, trustees, agents, volunteers, contractors, visitors, invitees, or persons subject to the supervision and control of Butler Community College.

To ensure compliance with federal and state civil rights laws and regulations, and to affirm its commitment to promoting the goals of fairness and equity in all aspects of the educational program or activity, the College has internal policies and procedures that provide a prompt, fair, and impartial process for those involved in an allegation of discrimination or harassment on the basis of protected class status, and for allegations of retaliation. The College values and upholds the equal dignity of all members of its community and strives to balance the rights of the parties in the grievance process for all those involved.

The core purpose of this policy is the prohibition of all forms of discrimination. Sometimes, discrimination involves exclusion from activities, such as admission, athletics, or employment. Other times, discrimination takes the form of harassment or, in the case of sex-based discrimination, can encompass sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, sexual exploitation, dating violence or domestic violence. When an alleged violation of this policy is reported, the allegations are subject to resolution using Butler Community College’s Title IX Informal or Formal Grievance process, determined by the Title IX Coordinator.

When the Respondent is a member of the college community, a grievance process may be available regardless of the status of the Complainant, who may or may not be a member of the College’s community. This community includes, but is not limited to, students, faculty, administrators, staff, trustees, and third parties such as guests, visitors, volunteers, invitees, and campus camp attendees.

To view this policy and the procedures in its entirety, visit

ADA/Compliance Officer/Section 504 Coordinator

The ADA Compliance Officer Section 504 Coordinator oversees adherence to the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Amendments Act of 2008 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. The ADA Compliance Officer/Section 504 Coordinator has the primary responsibility to ensure reasonable accommodations, review/revise policies with regard to ADA Compliance and hear/process any grievance/concerns based on ADA/Section 504 compliance, including, but not limited to student, faculty, staff, administration, program and/or facility accessibility.

Title IX Coordinator

The Title IX Coordinator oversees implementation of Butler Community College’s policy on harassment and nondiscrimination. The Title IX Coordinator has the primary responsibility for coordinating the College’s efforts related to the intake, investigation, resolution, and implementation of supportive measures to stop, remediate, and prevent discrimination, harassment, and retaliation prohibited under this policy.

Independence and Conflict-of-Interest

The Title IX Coordinator manages the Title IX Team and acts with independence and authority free from bias and conflicts of interest. The Title IX Coordinator oversees all resolutions under this policy. The members of the Title IX Team are vetted and trained to ensure they are not biased for or against any party in a specific case, or for or against Complainants and/or Respondents.

To raise any concern involving bias or conflict of interest by the Title IX Coordinator, or to report misconduct or discrimination committed by the Title IX Coordinator, contact the Butler Community College President.
    400 Maryland Avenue, SW
    Washington, D.C. 20202-1100
    Customer Service Hotline #: (800) 421-3481
    Facsimile: (202) 453-6012
    TDD#: (877) 521-2172

 Click here  for a complete and updated policy or go to:

Student Records

The Registrar’s Office provides services to students and academic departments related to the processes of registration, veteran’s educational benefits, withdrawal and graduation. The office also maintains students’ academic records and issues transcripts. Staff members are available to students for consultation. For detailed information about registration procedures, student records, and academic regulations, please contact the Registrar’s Office at (316)-322-3123 from the Wichita/metro area or

FERPA Policy

FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, sometimes called the Buckley Amendment), passed by Congress in 1974, grants four specific rights to the adult student: the right to see the information that the institution is keeping on the student, the right to seek amendment to those records and in certain cases append a statement to record, the right to consent to disclosure of his/her records, and the right to file a complaint with the FERPA Office in Washington.

Related Procedures

  • The right to inspect and review the student’s educational records within 45 days of the day the College receives a request for access.
  • The right to request the amendment of the student’s educational records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading.
  • The right to consent to or withhold disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s educational records, except to the extent that FERPA authorized disclosure without consent.
  • The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Butler Community College to comply with the requirements of FERPA.

Exceptions to education records include:

  • Sole possession records.
  • Records created an maintained by a law enforcement unit for a law enforcement purpose.
  • Employment records (unless contingent on attendance).
  • Medical records made and maintained in the course of treatment and disclosed only to those individuals providing treatment.
  • Records that only contain information about a student after they are no longer a student at that institution (e.g., alumni records).

Directory Information
In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Butler Community College considers the following as “Directory Information” and thereby subject to disclosure without consent, unless the eligible student notifies the Registrar’s Office, in writing within 10 days of the beginning of each semester, of their wish to withhold release of said information:

  • Name
  • Address (both local and permanent)
  • Telephone number; e-mail address
  • Date and place of birth
  • Year in school
  • Major field of study
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Weight/height of members of athletic teams
  • Dates of attendance
  • Enrollment status (full-time part-time, or not enrolled)
  • Awards and academic honors
  • Degrees and awards (and dates received)
  • Most recent Previous educational institutions(s) attended
  • Photography/recordings

Guidelines for the Release of Student Information
Butler Community College will adhere to the following guidelines in releasing records of students:

  • Official records are released only with the eligible student’s knowledge and written consent (exceptions are listed below) in compliance with FERPA regulations.  The written consent must specify the records that may be disclosed; state the purpose of the disclosure; and identify the part or class of parties to whom the disclosure may be made.  Eligible students are entitled to an official transcript of academic records upon signed written request and payment of a transcript fee.
  • Records may be released without the eligible students’ knowledge and consent in the following situations:
  • To school officials, including instructors, within the College who have been determined by the College to have legitimate educational interests;
  • To officials of schools at which the student intends to enroll, upon condition that the eligible student receive a copy of the record if desired, and have an opportunity for a hearing to challenge the content of the record;
  • To authorized representatives of (i) the Comptroller General of the United States, (II) the Secretary of the United States Department of Education, (III) the State educational authority, which may be necessary in connection with the evaluation of Federally-supported education programs, or in connection with the enforcement of the Federal legal requirements which relate to such programs, or (iv) the Attorney General of the United States for law enforcement purposes;
  • In connection with a student’s application for, or receipt of, financial aid;
  • To State and local officials or authorities to whom such information is specifically allowed to be reported or disclosed pursuant to State Statute;
  • To organizations conducting studies for, or on behalf of, educational agencies or institutions for the purposes of developing, validating, or administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs, and improving instruction, if such studies are conducted in such a manner as will not permit the personal identification of students and their parents by persons other than representatives of such organizations, and such information will be destroyed when no longer needed for purposes for which said records are obtained;
  • To accrediting organizations in order to carry out their accrediting functions;
  • In connection with an emergency, to appropriate persons if the knowledge of such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other persons;
  • To comply with a judicial order or other lawfully issued subpoenas for law enforcement purposes; and
  • Directory information unless the eligible student notifies the Student Privacy Officer (Vice-President of Student Services) or the Registrar’s Office in writing within ten (10) days of the beginning of each semester of his or her wish to withhold release of said information. Students who request a confidentiality flag on their record should note that this action will exclude their name from certain publications, but would not exclude their image from photographs/recordings of public events/appearances such as graduation ceremonies, student productions and performances, student athletic, or student life events, etc.
  • Release to non-educational agencies or individuals will be conducted only with written authorization from the eligible student.  Records requested in connection with employment situations should be specifically designated in writing in the Registrar’s Office. Telephone inquiries for student information will not be accommodated; however, urgent requests based upon an apparent emergency will be handled by the Vice-President of Student Services, or designee.
  • The College may limit the disclosure of and use discretion when choosing whether or not to release directory information to specific parties, for specific purposes, or both. In general, the College will not release directory information to third parties, but may release certain directory information as it relates to students involved in athletics and activities. In addition, federal law requires Butler Community College to provide military recruiters, upon request, with student names, addresses and telephone listings.
  • ​The College is not required to permit a student to inspect and review educational records that are financial records of his or her parents; certain confidential letters and confidential statements of recommendation are also not required to be available for review by eligible students.

Inquiries concerning the Butler Community College FERPA Policy should be made to the Vice-President of Student Services, or Registrar.

Information/Personal Data

It is the responsibility of the student to keep their personal data up to date. Any changes in name, address, phone, major or degree-seeking status must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office or registration personnel at one of the other campus locations as soon as possible. Name changes must be accompanied by legal documentation, i.e., copy of driver’s license, social security card, or court order. Students may send documentation and submit required forms at

Transcript Request

Information regarding transcripts and transcript ordering can be found at A hold is placed on transcripts of students with outstanding financial obligations to the college. 

Changing Your Major. Students who wish to change their degree/certificate major must contact an advisor either in person or from their account.

To better assist students in meeting their academic goals, a periodic review of students’ academic progress may take place to determine placement in the appropriate declared major. In the event that a student’s classes and declared major do not align, the major will be updated to the major most closely aligning with the student’s completed courses. Students will be notified of this change via email and by U.S. Mail. Students should contact advising if the major does not reflect their actual intent.

Golden Grizzly 

Senior citizens from the Butler service area (Butler, Chase, Greenwood, Marion and Morris counties) who are 60 years of age or older will be given, upon request a college identification card entitling them to become a “Golden Grizzly”. This will allow them free admission to regularly scheduled, non-athletic college-related activities, provide discounted tickets to athletic events* and a tuition waiver (fees not included) for all Butler credit courses on a space available basis. Golden Grizzly cards will be issued through the Registrar’s Office.

*Golden Grizzly members can receive General Admission tickets to all home, regular season athletic contests at the Golden Grizzly/Youth rate. Discounted tickets are not available for NJCAA national and Region VI events.

Expectation of Financial Responsibility

It is the expectation of Butler Community College that every student enrolled in classes meet the financial obligation associated with their enrollment. Academic records and transcripts will not be released for students who have a past due account balance.

Student Account Center. The Student Account Center is an application accessible through by selecting the My Account tile. In this application a student can see account information, make payments, view payment plans, setup direct deposit for eRefunds, and select electronic 1098-Ts.

Tuition and fees are to be paid to Accounts Receivable by the payment due date each term. This includes payment in full or signing up for a payment plan and making the first payment. Due dates for each term are posted on the Butler website and payment plan due dates are in the Student Account Center under Payment Plans. For students enrolling after the payment due date, tuition and fees payment in full or payment plan payments are due at the time of enrollment.

For students enrolling after the payment due date, tuition and fees payment in full or payment plan payments are due at the time of enrollment.

Payments may be made online, in person or over the phone. Online payments can be made in the Student Account Center by going to your account and selecting the My Account tile. Payments may be made in person at the Accounts Receivable offices or over the phone by calling 316-322-3181.

Payments may be made in person at the Accounts Receivable offices or over the phone by calling 316-322-3181.

Students Receiving Financial Aid and/or Scholarships must pay any charges not covered by aid in accordance with the payment policies stated above. If you are awaiting financial aid final approval, you must make any required payments until your aid is posted to your account. To check the amount of your charges and aid visit the Student Account Center.

Student accounts not meeting the payment requirements above will be subject to a NON-PAYMENT LATE FEE of up to $100 or MONTHLY PAYMENT LATE FEES assessed after the payment due date and grace period. Additional charges may be incurred if collection activities are required.

VETERAN AND OTHER CHAPTERS 31 AND 33 MILITARY AID RECIPIENTS: As this institution abides by Section 103 of the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, students receiving Chapter 31 or Chapter 33 military financial aid will not receive late fees on amounts that remain unpaid due to the delayed disbursement of a payment by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. This does not include amounts owed by the student or amounts remaining unpaid by the student after disbursement.

Any exceptions to the above policies must be coordinated with Accounts Receivable management and may require a Financial Responsibility Statement to be on file.


Student Tuition and Fee Refund Policy

Written notification required (electronic communication may also be acceptable, check with an advisor). Any student enrolled in a class must provide written notification of withdrawal by using a course scheduling form (or acceptable electronic communication). The form must be completed by the student, signed by an advisor, and turned into the Registrar’s Office or an advisor at a community location. For most classes, students may withdraw themselves on the Web via on Butler’s homepage at


The above is applicable regardless of the number of hours dropped, simultaneous hours added, or the time period of the drop.

Failure to make a formal request in writing or via on Butler’s homepage at to drop a class or classes will result in full assessment of charges whether any sessions are attended or not.

A refund will be considered only if the student complies with the policy above and if the drop is requested or processed prior to the end of the refund period applicable to the class or classes dropped.

100 Percent Refund Period

Students are entitled to a 100 percent refund of tuition and fees for classes formally dropped within the refund period as posted on the Butler Web site or available from registration personnel at any Butler site

The above does not apply to Career and Workforce Education (CWE) classes. Call for a current course schedule and related refund policy, 316.218.6118.

Cooperative Education and Internship Courses: No refund after the training plan has been signed.

100 Percent Refund Period For Books

Students are entitled to a 100 percent refund for books returned to the bookstore within the refund period as posted on the Butler Bookstore web site or available from the Andover or El Dorado bookstores.

Cash register receipt is required and books must be in purchased condition. If books are not in purchased condition a partial refund may be possible.

The above does not apply to Career and Workforce Education (CEW) classes.

Schedule of Refund Dates

A schedule of refund dates will be available on the Butler website calendar at The schedule of refund dates for books may be found on the refund policy given to each student at time of purchase or on the Butler Bookstore webpage. 

Tuition Appeal Procedures

Tuition refunds may be granted in documented situations beyond the student’s control.

Students wishing to appeal their tuition and fee charges should do the following:

  1. Complete a tuition appeal request form and return it with appropriate documentation to the Registrar’s Office. It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from classes if they choose to do so.
  2. Ruling on appeal will be determined by a team consisting of Registrar, Academic Advising, Accounts Receivable management, and the appropriate department Dean if appeal includes instructor or classroom issues.
  3. Action will be taken and the student will be notified by letter from the Registrar. If the appeal is approved, the courses will be removed from the student record.

Should the student wish to appeal this decision, he or she may do so by submitting a second appeal. The decision by the second appeal committee is final.

Refunds For Canceled Classes

Students enrolled in classes canceled by the school will receive a full refund of tuition and fees with no service fee regardless of date. To facilitate refunds on such classes, students should contact the Advising Center for other course options or other appropriate community site personnel. Books must be returned to the bookstore within one week of class cancellation for a refund.

Simultaneous Drop/Add

If a student withdraws from a course after the refund period and simultaneously adds a course, no refund will be given for the withdrawn course. Full tuition and fees will be charged for the added course.

Tobacco Free Campus Policy

  1. Definitions

For the purpose of this policy

  • Smoking is defined as the lighting, burning, or use of tobacco or any other material in any type of smoking device or equipment.
  • Tobacco includes but is not limited to smoking tobacco, chew, snuff, snus, and dipping tobacco. This policy also prohibits the use of lit or unlit cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, clove cigarettes, cigars, pipes, hookahs, bidis, blunts, cigarillos, smokeless tobacco or any item that simulates any of the previously mentioned products.

With prior approval, theatre productions may be exempt from this policy when the use of simulated smoke or tobacco products is integral to a production or performance.

  1. Background and Rationale
    Because 1) Butler Community College supports the health, safety, and well-being of students, faculty, staff, and visitors and 2) the Surgeon General has determined that the use of tobacco and exposure to second hand smoke cause preventable disease, Butler campuses must be free of tobacco and second hand smoke. Each year, more than 440,000 people die prematurely of diseases caused by smoking, accounting for 1 out of every 5 deaths in the United States (CDC 2010). In addition to creating health hazards, tobacco and smoke increase institutional costs, including the costs of paying for fire damage, cleaning and maintenance, property and health insurance, and absenteeism.
  2. Policy
    1. Effective August 1, 2013, Butler Community College prohibits the use of tobacco by students, faculty, staff and visitors on its campuses.
    2. This policy applies to all previously mentioned tobacco products and all visitors, including vendors and contractors.
    3. The use of tobacco products is prohibited
      1. In all interior spaces on Butler Community College campuses;
      2. On all outside property or grounds of Butler Community College campuses including partially enclosed areas such as walkways and breezeways.
      3. In Butler Community College vehicles, including buses, vans, and all other College vehicles;
      4. In all indoor and outdoor athletic facilities associated with Butler Community College.
    4. Organizers and attendees at public events held in or at Butler facilities are required to abide by the tobacco free policy. The organizers of these events, which include conferences, meetings, and lectures and social, cultural, and sporting events, are responsible for both communicating the policy to attendees and enforcing it.
    5. The College prohibits the campus-controlled advertising, sale, or free sampling of tobacco products on campus.
    6. Campus organizations are prohibited from accepting money or gifts from tobacco companies.
  3. Compliance

Butler Community College expects all students, faculty, staff, and visitors to comply with this policy. Members of the campus community may respectfully inform others of the policy to increase awareness and compliance.

An individual who notes a violation of this policy should

  1. Informally attempt to resolve the problem by requesting that the violator comply with the policy.
  2. If the informal attempt fails, contact the Office of Human Resources or Office of the Vice President of Student Services for referral to the appropriate administrative official.

Repeat violations shall be dealt with according to established student, faculty, and staff codes of conduct, policy, and procedures.